what i cant say in an application essay
So i feel like everyone has some sort of justification for their life. Everyone has some ethos, principles, or guiding principles. I think it gives meaning to their life. But i dont think some has to realize their dreams or even adhere to their principles to have them. In fact, a significant aspect of the adult psyche is justifying our lives and choices against what we hope it would be.
My justification is based out of a childhood fascination that has continued into my adulthood. I find it weird to talk about as I truly believe it offers a competent lens through which I judge my life. I stumbled on this part of my psyched over the past year when I have been truly on my own and grappling with what I am going to do with the rest of my life.
I measure my utility in life by what skills I could bring to the survival of a group when faced with trying and dire circumstances (ie. the apocalypse, nuclear holocaust, plane crash). To survive after such an incident requires knowledge of multiple practical subjects and creativity in divining solutions that I aspire to. I know that I am not the only one to be drawn to the subject. The success of Lost (about survival after a plane crash) and Battlestar Galacatica (a scifi epic about survival after an apocalyptic war) suggest that I am not alone. One TV show that I really enjoyed in its brief run was Earth 2 about the colonization of a new planet. But my infatuation continues into other mediums as well. The Stand (about survival after a virus), Alas, Babylon (about survival after a nuclear war between the US and Russia), Swiss Family Robinson (about survival after a ship wreck), and Battlefield Earth (about survival after an Alien invasion) are among the books I enjoy reading over and over and over again.
The unique combination of practical skills and knowledge in medicine, engineering, leadership, and other aspects propels me to diversify my studies. I wonder sometimes whether my recent decision to enter medicine stems from an attempt to mimic the characteristics of the character Jack on Lost. There he is a doctor who is propelled to the leadership of his fellow plane crash survivors purely on the basis that he is a doctor. I also wonder wehther that is why I have an interest in joining the military. I have no real desire to experience comabt or kill people, but the military does combine a lot of technical skills within the context of leadership. Plus the military is the primary agency that would act after any such event.
Now I have to say that I am not obsessed with survivalism. I do not have a fall out shelter built nor have I stockpiled food, medicine and water. But I have to preface this with a big yet. My internet searches have revealed this useful wiki about Survivalism . And I find that my dreams are part of a larger movement. I doubt I will join but it is very interesting.
Maybe this will help you understand who I am.