Saturday, November 12, 2005

another day in steeltown

maybe if i had gone to the Princeton-Yale game we would have won. but no, unfortunately they were upset, postponing the bonfire for another year. well next year, maybe i'll be able to both go for the homecoming game and the subsequent bonfire. but that is next year meaning the next big princeton alumni party is reunions which i will definilty go to even for just one night.

the other weekend i visited Canada with my parents. they had come up to Pittsburgh to see where i lived and to celebrate my birthday. we visited my father's youngest brother (the 8th of 8, my father was 2nd) who is 15 years his junior. He is also very silly if thats an appropriate way to say it. he likes to play jokes and games. I had neither met his wife or his 8 year old son till last weekend so that was the main impetus for me to go. and it was fun. it reminded me of the large family network that i have, its nice to be with people from the same background if not the same upbringing. only my little brother and my new jersey cousins can emphatize with that.

paramedic program wise - i'm still doing well and enjoying all the time learning. i also did a shift a day this past week. i really enjoyed my time in the ER though it is draining. basically by the end of the shift i was operating as a patient care tech, starting ivs, triaging patients. on wednesday, i participated in a health screening which was uneventful. thursday was another anesthesia rotation where i got 2 more intubations. the anethesiologist even allowed me to do a difficult tube due to my "very good technique" that the nurse had previously said he wouldn't let me do. on friday i did an IV rotation at the medical procedures unit in presby. basically that unit preps outpatients for minor surgery by starting ivs and other medications. i went 0 for 4 in the morning making me pretty depressed but then i turned it around and went 6 for 6. with that confidence i was able to get my first truck iv. the whole coordination of riding the bumps in the truck and jabbing someone with the needle is a skill i am far from mastering. but i got my first attempt.

other than that, i'm enjoying the fact that Apple is now selling tv episodes through iTunes. that will alleviate some of my boredom though i still have to go to a panera or somewhere else to download it. but thats a small problem.

i'm also planning on buying an iPod. fortunately the little brother is rich (relatively) and helping me out with that.
