Saturday, April 09, 2005

a wish come true

so the squad had its 5th vehicle rescue for the year today - the 7th since december. to give perspective - last year total we had 5 or 6 cut jobs including the 2 in december. throw in the 2 fires in january and it kinda makes our rescue company feel all big and bad.

i unfortunately did not make the truck on this one but i still made it to the scene and helped board and collar a BLS patient. i got to take the SS 168 for the ride of its life. the fire department photographer grabbed some pics - it was a pickup truck on its side - so they did an A post cut and a roof cut to get him out.

really all i need is one big taskforce call to round out my rescue experience or just drive. either way.

[cool link]
Battlestar Galactica (the New Series) is quite possibly the best scifi show ever! i'm a closeted sci fi geek - a big trekkie, flirted with Star Wars and enjoy the futuristic worlds created. so far Battlestar Galactic has everything i want - the overarching plot that draws the episodes together, the compelling characters, cool effects, great technology. to give you a sense of the story - the 12 Colonial worlds are destroyed by the Cylons, machines they created. all that is left is the education secretary, a ragtag fleet of ships, and the oldest battlestar - without advanced computer technology to prevent the cylons from penetrating their computers - of the fleet. with the battlefleet destroyed in a surprise computer attack and all the worlds destroyed - the education secretary and the commander (not even an admiral) gather the ragtag fleet and take them on a search for another world to rebuild. all the while they must deal with trying to recreate some form of government, fend off the Cylon's chasing them, and just deal with the stress of a post-apocalyptic world. i highly recommend it.

check out Battlestar Galactica on Sci Fi

at the site you can even watch the first episode. but the show began with a miniseries - so rent that first if you want to get into it. the best part about the website is the producers blog where he answers fan's questions.

[whats next for today]
thesis thesis thesis. i hope to have a full draft done by monday meaning a lot of work between now and then.


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