Tuesday, April 05, 2005

il pope watch 2005

this is exciting. i know its sad that JP the second passed away. he was a motivated leader and truly led the church till the moment of his death. but as all things - new leadership can be reinvigorating. there are aspects to the church that need to be bolstered. JP II played a significant role in politics and sexual morality - lost in that was an emphasis on social welfare and, in my humble opinion, the individuals. yes it is great to proclaim the 'culture of life' and bolstering forces to make abortion a 'prima facie' issue but the reactionary approach to combating abortion in the legal realm loses sight of the fact that people do not want to have children anymore. how do you fight a society entrenched in 'me, me, me'? its next to impossible.

but on a less serious note - i have proposed that the QSL get a tv, hook it up to the cable and follow the election of a new pope. Pope Watch 2005.


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